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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who plays Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse?

Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse is open to boys from PreK – 8th Grade that live or go to school in Dover or Sherborn MA. Teams are split up by grade; Pre-K and K (Scoops), Grades 1&2, Grades 3&4, Grades 5&6, and Grades 7&8.

When is the Lacrosse season? 

The regular season is in the Spring, April through June. Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse also participates in a winter preseason “Mini Camp” clinic as well as "Sixes" in the Fall. Watch the website for more program offerings and details. Our season ends at the Jamboree, an all-day lacrosse event where the teams will compete against three teams selected from the over 200 town participants.  

What is the time commitment? 

Classic teams will have two practices per week and one game on Sunday. Select teams will practice on Wednesdays in addition to Classic team practices. Games for Select will be on Friday nights. Participation in other spring sports is a personal choice, but be careful not to place too much stress on young athletes.

Practices typically run 90 minutes, and games (including warm-ups) can run 2 hours. For games, your coach will require that you arrive for warm-up and preparation 30 minutes ahead of the scheduled face-off. Grade level coaches will communicate final practice and game schedule details.

How can I help?

Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse is always looking for volunteers: coaches, assistant coaches, and team parents. No experience is necessary - just your enthusiasm and willingness to help are all that is needed. Please email: if interested.

When are practices?

Practices start in the evening, usually after 5:00 PM - days and times will vary. Typically, we will start the first week of March with Mini Camp indoors (optional), and move outside at the end of March when town fields open. Practice schedules and locations are generally set once fields are locked in at the league level and may change during the season due to field availability (grass fields are subject to closure due to poor surface conditions, i.e. water saturation levels). It is very important to BE ON TIME for all team events. Please respect the coaching staff's time and your teammates' commitment. Start times are "ready to go times" - not show up and start dressing time. "Ready to play 5 minutes early is On Time". Please plan this into your schedules for arrival and please pick up your player on time as well. Our coaches will wait until the final player is picked up, and we ask that you be considerate of our volunteers.

When are the games?

Classic league games are on Sunday. Select league games are typically on Friday nights. However, it isn't uncommon for a coach to add an extra game or scrimmages with our peer programs at other times.

Where are the games?

Our home fields for grades 5-8 are held at Chickering Fields in Dover and Laurel Fields in Sherborn for grades 1-4. Away game locations are in the Metrowest area.

What equipment do I need? 

Players must have a uniform, helmet, mouth guard, gloves, stick, cleats, a cup, SEI Certified chest protector/shoulder pads, and elbow pads. Cleats are preferred, but given the condition and type of the fields, turf shoes are allowed. Each team has goalie equipment for our players to use.  Please reference Equipment section for more detail.

Do you cancel practice and games for weather? 

Lacrosse is an all-weather sport; we play rain or shine. There are two exceptions: lightening and sometimes snow. If there is lightning in the area within 30 minutes of the event start the game will be delayed until judged safe - please do not leave your player if the game-start is delayed due to lightning until the event begins. A lightning suspension during a game in progress will last at least 30 minutes after the last lightning in the area. All events will be terminated if there is a second lightning suspension. Players should know their parents' cell phone numbers so they can call for pick-up if lightning persists and the event is ended. Snow is also always a possibility in early Spring and we will not practice if the field is completely covered in snow before the start time. If in doubt, come, but parents should wait until the practice begins before leaving. Every effort is made to clear turf fields for scheduled games; it is best to come under threatening weather conditions and wait until play begins or is officially canceled before leaving your player. Practice and games can also be canceled if the town closes the fields. You will be alerted by your coach if that is the case.

How should players dress in cold or wet weather?

When the weather is cold and/or wet, players should come prepared. While some player's legs stay warm enough in shorts only, others prefer to wear athletic tights or light warm-ups. We recommend long sleeve tight tops and optionally long leg tights to ensure comfort and prevent chilling between game action. Cotton is never the material of choice as it absorbs water readily and once wet, it stays wet and will sap body heat. Sports undergarments made of synthetic fabrics designed for active use are highly recommended. In addition thin gloves worn under the lacrosse gloves can help keep hands dry and warm. Players should generally wear undershirts appropriate for the weather even in the summer. During warm-ups, a loose sports jacket or sweatshirt OVER the pads and jersey may help a player stay comfortable but will need to be removed once a game begins. 

How can I get ready for the season?

There are several ways to improve your game and overall conditioning during the "off-season". There are camps and clinics offered locally that can be valuable for the continued development of a players skills & knowledge of the game - watch the  website for upcoming camps & clinics. Stay active! Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse encourages players to stay active with other sports in the off-season. Hit the wall! There is nothing better than starting the season with your stick skills sharp and both hands developed. You will be a markedly better player than you were last season with just 15-20 minutes of systematic wall ball drills 3-4 times each week. You will get more touches on the ball in a 20-minute drill than you will in a 2-hour practice! So – come enjoy our new wall at Laurel Fields in Sherborn and hit the wall!


What is the Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse policy on playing other sports during Lacrosse season? 

We are a strong proponent of multi-sport athletes. Most sports seasons overlap slightly and, in all circumstances, it requires careful planning to manage multiple commitments. 

How do I register? 

Links will be provided to the different open registrations.

What is the cost of registration? 

Registration fees for the 2023 season: $125 for grades Pre-K & Kindergarten (six week program through Scoops), $300 for grades 3&4, and $350 for grades 5-8.  Uniforms are an additional fee and can be purchased in the DSYL TEAM STORE

What is the refund policy? 

Registration fees for the Regular Season (Spring) are refundable less the merchant account fees and a small administrative charge ($5) if we are notified by email or letter before February. One half (50%) of the registration fee is refundable for requests made by email or letter after February 1st and before March 1st of the current regular season. No refunds will be issued for requests made on or after March 1st of the current season. Our refund policy is based upon our obligations for field reservations, equipment purchases and administrative costs such as insurance which is in turn based upon registration numbers. 

How many players are on each team? 

Approximately 12 - 20 players, but numbers can vary.  We want to include as many players as possible and sometimes that means a few less or a few more players on a team.

What if my son has never played lacrosse before?

No prior experience or familiarity with lacrosse is necessary to take part in and enjoy Dover-Sherborn Youth Lacrosse. All that is needed is a willingness to have fun, try hard, and learn!

How can my son accelerate their learning and skill proficiency?

We recommend the following in no order except for the first one: Play wall ball every day or as often as they can. Call friends to shoot and pass. Go to clinics, summer camps, play on a summer team, come early to practice or stay late for tips from the coaches, go watch games at all levels, watch college lacrosse on TV, YouTube or other social media. 

What is MYL?

Formerly the MBYLL, MYL is now Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse. The state's governing body for boy's and girl's lacrosse. It also administers the leagues we play in, sets the rules with the member towns, does the scheduling of 5,000 games a year for 15,000 players, provides coaches training, schedules the game officials, provides member towns with insurance, and promotes the sport to help it grow. 

Are there tryouts?

There are no tryouts for Classic teams. Every child is accepted in our program and receives roughly equal playing time, coaching, and attention regardless of their athletic ability, skill, and experience. However, we also offer our 5th through 8th grade players the chance to play in the MYL Select league that may require tryouts.


How do I find support for creating an account, registration, and the mobile app?

Demosphere support link